Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1st= 9months in Moldova!!

Woo-hoo! I've now been in Moldova for 9months! Two months left!

In honor of my 9 month mark I would like to share with you some of the highlights of my time here.

August- Arrive in Moldova, begin to set up house with the Raatz family, organize home school materials, living with Raatz family, meeting friends, and adjusting to culture, meet Omar Beiler and John Bueno,

September-Continue to experience new foods and new people,have many new cultural experiences, begin language study, meet my future roommate, begin riding on public transportation, school begins,

October-Spend time with teams that arrive from America, move into apartment, language study continues as I switch to a different teacher

November-The Darrins arrive!!,really begin to experience cultural shock, eat at Italian pizza restaurant in Moldova for what would be the first of many times, really begin cooking, enjoying roommate and other friends, Thanksgiving with other Americans here

December- it was really COLD, Christmas doesn't really feel like Christmas, Nice Christmas Eve/Day with Raatz family and other missionaries, surprise package from Mom and Dad, enjoy a really nice break, start going to a different church, really begin inviting Moldovans over for dinner and fun

January- is still really cold, continue vacation break, second semester of school begins, snow,

February- my roommate of 4 months returns to America(NOT a highlight....I miss you, Kelly), Andy and Nancy return to America for three weeks (again,NOT really a highlight, but a happening). So, I am somewhat lonely and bored.

March- Raatz family return, school is back in session, the McClungs join our team for a couple of months

April- new roommates arrive: family of 4, then my new roommate Sara arrives, and we go to Romania for a fun trip

Looking ahead:
May- We will finish school, attempt to get things are on my list done, My birthday

June- prepare for Turkey,and take care of a lot of things to do before I leave, GO TO TURKEY, my Dad is coming to Moldova(that's the current plan), Dad and I are going to take a train to Romania and join up with a missions team from our church, arrive in Romania

July- spend time in Romania on a missions trip, AND arrive in Memphis, TN, America!!

Well, I know it was long, but I hope you enjoyed the run down. :)

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Wow Shauna!!! What an experience. Your birthday's coming up-That's exciting! Love you.