Friday, July 18, 2008

Air Conditioning!!!

No pictures yet. I am still trying to figure out my pictures/computer. I think I need to get a flashdrive or just upload them on someone else's computer.

So, those of us with air conditioning are blessed. I remember sitting in my hot apartment in Moldova, riding the hot trolley around town, and walking during the hot summer weather. It is these times of remembrance that I am also reminded to be thankful for the air conditioning that not everyone has.

While I am thankful, I am so COLD. I am freezing at home,in the stores, at restaurants, and in the car! I am constantly asking if I can turn off the AC. I guess I am just not used to it. Since others around me appreciate the AC, I have now trained myself to wear a jacket, pants, sweater, or carry a blanket. Whatever it takes!!

I can even sleep through the night without the AC. I even amaze myself. It can be done.

Be thankful. Be blessed. Until next time, Thanks for reading!


Casey Dawn said...

I don't care if you're in Moldova or Memphis, I still love hearing your stories on your blog. You have quite the knack at it!
Love you!
Ps...Just so you know...I have tagged you on my blog! Check it out!

Shauna C said...

I am glad that you enjoy reading. I enjoy typing stories and info on my blog! :) Thanks.

I will check out your blog and the tag. Thanks. Now, that you are regularly blogging again, I will have to tag you as well.

Love you,